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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Spring: Nature's Time to Party

Letter from the Editor Earth Day Issue, April 2010

Something restless and wild awakens in me this time of year brought on by the caress of the sunshine, the smell of the soil and the relentless cacophony of exalted birds. I am stricken with spring fever and am not interested in a cure.

Spring is a time of new life and resurrection as Mother Earth awakens from her winter slumber and beckons us to dance with her rhythm. By connecting with her natural ecstasy and embracing fresh growth, we come alive.

As sap flows up plant stems, vital life force is flowing upward in us too. This rejuvenating energy is an innate response to the heartbeat of Pachamama and a reminder that it’s our time rise anew as well.

The courage of each tiny plant that pushes through the soil towards the light is an inspiration to allow our dreams to bubble up to the surface and reveal themselves. If we allow the power of Spring to awaken our deepest desires, we are opening the door for abundant new opportunities.

Tuning into the force of the season can gently help us uncover our greatest wishes. Our windows of perception are wide open,
and it is easier to release what keeps the soul from being free. What we plant in our inner garden now will flower for years to come, so mindfully seed your intentions.

The Spring Equinox is celebrated in numerous traditions around the world and many cultures consider it their New Year. Through rituals and celebration they welcome the coming days of accelerated growth. Take time to slow down and honor this opportunity for natural and personal rebirth.

So have a party with nature. Plant flowers, feed the birds, start a garden, dance around a bonfire, bang a drum or hug a tree in celebration of a new beginning. Renew your connection to Earth, Spirit and your deepest longings.

Party On,


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