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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

April 2024 Upcoming Issue of Natural Awakenings Charlotte

April 2024 EARTH DAY Issue

FEATURE –  Sustainable & Conscious Tourism in North America: Exploring Environmental Stewardship

Sustainable tourism has gained traction through initiatives such as the Certification for Sustainable Tourism program, which integrates sustainability into the tourism industry. Sustainable tourism rests on four pillars: sustainable management, environmental impacts, socio-economic impacts, and cultural impacts


HEALING WAYS – Relief for Parkinson’s Patients: How Traditional and Complementary Interventions Can Help

Through the use of conventional treatments and complementary strategies like exercise, gut health, and stress reduction techniques, the management of PD symptoms can be significantly improved.  

CONSCIOUS EATING  - Getting to the roots of Grass-fed, Organic, Regenerative Organic Agriculture 

The article highlights the differences between grass-fed, organic, and regenerative organic agriculture. It explains how grass-fed farming contributes to healthier soil and produces meat and dairy higher in beneficial nutrients


FIT BODY –  Conditioning for Hikes and Backpacking 

Hiking is a great way to stay in shape and enjoy the beauties of nature, but it is important to be prepared for it. Conditioning plays a pivotal role in ensuring you don't suffer injuries or fail to complete your hike. In addition to consulting with a healthcare professional, it is essential to start conditioning slowly and increase the intensity and duration of your training sessions gradually


GREEN LIVING – A Look at Single-Use Plastics: Understanding the Challenges and Solutions

Did you know that despite being marketed as disposable, these non-biodegradable items are clogging up landfills and polluting our waterways? Plastic pollution has even been linked to health problems in humans and wildlife


HEALTHY KIDS - Learning through Travel

This article explores the benefits of family travel in broadening children's perspectives and fostering curiosity about different cultures






WISE WORDS – Wellness Travel: Farm Vacations, American Agritourism Grows

As concrete-weary urbanites seek a taste of country living and a way to support small-scale farms, agritourism is gaining popularity in the United States. Farm stays offer a variety of activities that connect agriculture with tourism, allowing guests to immerse themselves in farm life.


ECO TIP –  Simple Tips to Reduce Your Ecological Footprint and Heal Our World

Current systems and practices are depleting our Earth's resources at an alarming rate. By planting a garden, shopping at local farms, eating meatless meals, recycling, and using reusable items, we can make a significant difference.

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