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MOON MAGIC Astrological Timing for Success – July 2009


This month is highlighted by the July 7th Lunar Eclipse and the July 22nd Total Eclipse of the Sun. For perspective, remember that life on Earth is synchronized with the cycle of the Moon. Oceans rise and fall, plants unfold their leaves and flowers, oysters open and close, all in rhythm with the Moon. Each New Moon is a pulse of new life energy with potentialities that are better gleaned in quietude. The appearance of the lunar crescent in the evening sky signals the active beginning of a new creation. Each New Moon is a new beginning, the pivotal time in a new cycle of life. Fulfillment comes at the Full Moon in response to what is seeded at the New – this especially so for a solar eclipse.

Of all celestial happenings, the most powerful is a Total Eclipse of the Sun. A total solar eclipse is like a cosmic reset button: all life on Earth both physical and psychic gets totally realigned. As the solar eclipse occurs, the old system boots down and a new operating system boots up. Outmoded programs are erased freeing emotional and psychic energy for a new creation. Astronomers and astrologers agree the July 21-22 solar eclipse is the most powerful of the century. Let’s make good use of this wonderful opportunity.

July 1 – Magical New Beginnings White Rabbit Day Say ‘White Rabbit’ first thing for good luck through the month. The rabbit opens us to magic; the Rabbit in the Moon is our magical guide.

July 2-7 – Renovate Your Inner World Moon Out of Bounds South As the Moon travels below the zodiac our ‘underworld’ is illuminated. We may experience emotional challenges where we’ve been blocked. This is a time to highlight and eliminate outmoded patterns of belief and behavior.

July 7– Illumination Full Moon This is the Sundance Full Moon when Native Americans dance to become one with the elder fire above and receive a vision of their place in the tribe. Each Full Moon brings revelation. Meditation, deep breathing, music and dancing help us open to receive blessings from on high. Special energies flow through for three days following Full Moon. Revelations may come in dreams, chance encounters or sudden flashes of inspiration.

July 12 – Cosmic Balance Time Moon at the Equator / Lunar Zero Point North Lunar 0 Points are cosmic balance times for our creative imagination. Moon at the Equator moving North is like the Spring Equinox, a time to envision. The magic window is open for about two hours from 3:22 – 5:22 pm.

July 17- 19 – Make a Wish Balsamic Moon Coming before a solar eclipse, this Balsamic Moon calls forth healing energy that will be flowing through the extended lunar cycle from this eclipse until the next total solar eclipse on July 11, 2010. The transforming power of a solar eclipse is invoked by the experiences and challenges that are felt before it.

July 17-20 - Open-minded and Imaginative Moon Out of Bounds North We enter ‘the higher world’ where there is greater freedom and imagination. Share new opportunities, make announcements, bring new discoveries to light. The morning of July 19 is most magical when the Moon is maximally Out of Bounds North. Anything is possible now.

July 20 until Sunset June 22 – Time to Look Within Dark of the Moon The ‘Dark of the Moon’ is a 3-day period starting the day before New Moon and ending when the crescent becomes visible. Although unfavorable for outward activities, this time is ideal for inner work. It is also a good time to sage the home in preparation for a new lunar cycle. Clear space for magic.

July 21-22 (10:35 pm edt) – Seeding Magic Total Eclipse of the Sun Each New Moon is a source of good luck. The spring flows freely as we relax and take time off to go within. This most powerful solar eclipse of the century will extend its magic influence until the next total solar eclipse on July 11, 2010.

July 22 /12:36pm – July 23/12:36pm - Open to Receive Gate of Inspiration The 9 Gates of Inspiration are Stations of the 9 Muses. The July Muse is Terpsichore, ‘the lover of dancing.’ Prior to a Gate of Inspiration, shadows arise to be dispelled. Whatever is blocking inspiration is revealed. Moving through the gate, we breathe deeply until we breathe freely, shedding all old fears and doubts and so becoming present to the spiritual power and promise of the new time.

July 23-26 – Time to Sow Crescent New Moon/ Venus/ Mercury This Cancer / Leo Moon cycle brings great new opportunities for realizing hopes and dreams. These days are ideal for all new beginnings. This Moon tide will energize whatever we bring forward.

July 25 – A Magic Portal Moon at the Equator / Lunar Zero Point South Lunar 0 Points are cosmic balance times ideal for creative imagination. 0 South is good for surrendering to spirit before entering the under world in quest for vision. The magic portal opens for two hours 8:20– 10:20 am.

July 28 – Let Go the Old, Power On the New 1st Quarter Moon The First Quarter Moon is like a scythe cutting across the sky signaling a time for decision, a time to cut free of the past and affirm our true purpose. Inspirations may come in dreams or sudden realizations that help to solve problems and clarify life issues. Choices made now will be the right ones.

Steve Nelson is a professional astrologer who uses tarot, name analysis, and traditional astrology to help clients understand personal myths and realize natural abilities. He may be reached at 704-375-3759 or email [email protected]†

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