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MOON MAGIC Astrological Timing for Success – April 2010

April is the month of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love. The first day of every month sets the tone for the month. April Fool’s Day was originally Aphrodite’s Day. Everyone’s a fool for love now as spring begins to flower and Venus shines brightly in the early evening sky. Venus in home sign Taurus this month is a special boon for luck in love and money, and this good fortune extends throughout this Year of Venus just beginning.

Each zodiacal year starting at the Spring Equinox is ruled by one of 7 “planets” including Sun and Moon. 2009 was a Year of the Sun, 2010 is a Year of Venus. Sun years bring to light all that’s been hidden. What the year of the Sun brings to light, the Year of Venus sets right. Venus is the goddess of love, grace, beauty and higher truth. She also brings power to restore natural order and harmony.

Venus with the New Moon Crescent on the evening of April 15 is one of the special highlights of this month. Another is the Wesak Festival on April 28. This Sun in Taurus Full Moon is said to be the most powerful of the year.   

As Mercury moves retrograde after April 17, we do well to trust our lunar intuition and Venusian inspirations. Communications begin to clear as the New Mercury cycle begins on April 28. Although still retrograde, a New Mercury starts a new mental cycle, a new cycle of creative thinking, communication, invention and commerce. This Wesak Full Moon New Mercury favors all enterprises going forward for the next four months.

April 1  - Romance Abounds April Fool’s Day / Aphrodite’s Day April is sacred to Aphrodite, the goddess of love and laughter. Pranks played in good humor awaken the light-hearted spirit of Spring. Romance abounds in this month of Aphrodite; the more we laugh the more we love. 

Apr 2-5 (9:04 am 4/2 – 7:07 pm 4/5) - Change Old Habits Moon Out of Bounds South Subconscious patterns of belief and behavior are revealed and may more easily be reformed at this time. The greatest opportunity for transformation comes Saturday evening as the Moon dips down toward the brilliant star Antares.

April 4 – Meet the New Sun Easter Sunday Easter is the 1st Sunday following the 1st Full Moon after Spring Equinox. The Spiritual Sun is reborn this Sunday at Sunrise following the 1st Spring union of the Sun and Moon. Meeting the rising Sun on Easter Sunday is an ancient shamanic tradition. As the vital spirit of Spring awakens within us, we become conscious of our unique role in this new cycle of creation.

April 10-12 – Make a Wish Balsamic Moon Put wishes on the air. Needs felt now invite response from the new lunar cycle. Feeling initiates healing. As we feel we heal. The deeper we feel the more Moon magic we invoke in this new cycle.

April 11 (1:02 pm) – Creative Imagination Moon at the Equator / Lunar Zero Point North Lunar 0 Points are cosmic balance times for creative imagination. Moon at the Equator moving North is like Spring Equinox, a time to envision. The magic window opens for two hours 12:02 – 2:02 pm.

April 13-15 – Slow Down, Look Within Dark of the Moon While unfavorable for most outward activities, this time is ideal for inner work and house cleaning/clearing for the new lunar cycle. The New Moon (8:29 am Apr 14) is a cosmic spring from which to draw new vital energy. This Taurus Moon offers opportunities for realizing our hopes and dreams.

Apr 15-19 – A Time to Sow Crescent New Moon Bring forward what you wish to be realized now. Venus and Mercury with the Crescent Moon in Taurus is a special boon for love, the arts, commercial enterprise and abundance. Whatever we plant in our garden flowers through the year.

Apr 16-20 (11:57 pm 4/16 - 1:46 am 4/20) Open-minded and Free Moon Out of Bounds North Here we have more freedom and imagination; new ideas are more easily and successfully shared. Make announcements, do a promotion or bring a new discovery to light. Breakthroughs occur Sunday evening as the Moon sails high over Orion.

April 21 – Release the Old, Power On the New 1st Quarter Moon This Moon is like a scythe cutting across the sky. Cut free of the past and affirm your role in a new cycle of creation.

April 24 (10:42 pm) - Cosmic Balance Time Moon at the Equator / Lunar Zero Point South 0 South is good for releasing old ways and surrendering to spirit before entering the inner world in quest for vision. The magic portal opens for about two hours from 9:42 pm – 11:42 pm.

April 28 (exact 8:18 am) – Illumination  Wesak Full Moon Buddhists say the Buddha was born, achieved enlightenment and left earthly incarnation under the Wesak (Sun in Taurus) Full Moon. Followers of the ancient teachings also believe the Buddha returns each year for 8 minutes at the Wesak Full Moon. People tune in with meditation then to receive illumination from the Buddha.

Each Full Moon is a time of revelation. Meditation, deep breathing, music and dance help receive blessings. Spontaneous movement is key. Spiritual energies flow through the three days following Full Moon. Revelations come in dreams, ‘chance encounters’ and flashes of inspiration.

Apr 28 –New Thinking and Communication New Mercury Mercury crosses between the Earth and the Sun and a new 4-month cycle of Mercury is begun. This Wesak New Mercury cycle can make our ideals real.

Steve Nelson is a professional astrologer who uses tarot, name analysis, and traditional astrology to help clients understand personal myths and realize natural abilities. He may be reached at 704-375-3759 or email [email protected]

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