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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Water is Basic 5-K on March 31st

Race for clean water

When we turn a faucet on we rarely consider how fortunate we are to have it flowing abundantly to meet our needs. But in many countries, water is a precious commodity. On March 31, the Water is Basic 5-K will give participants an opportunity to realize the importance of water and to raise funds to those who so desperately need it.

People of all ages can either run or walk the 5k or take part in Charlotte's first "Carry the Jerry 5-K" - a relay made up of any size team that can either run or walk while carrying a water-filled Jerry Can, a 5-gallon plastic jug (weighing 42 pounds) that African women and children carry 3-4 miles daily to collect water. Participants can identify with the daily hardship of the African Sudan family and support Water is Basic's mission to drill a thriving, clean water well in every village in South Sudan. The  race starts and finishes at Panthers stadium.


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