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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Taking a Leap of Love

For the Planet

On August 21, the Great American Eclipse will travel across the U.S. and head out to sea, touching land last on a barrier island at the tip of the Cape Romain Wildlife Preserve, just east of McClellanville, South Carolina. Astrologer Dorothy Taylor, of Leap of Love, would like people to regard it an omen of enlightenment and an opportunity for people everywhere to contemplate their place in the universe.

Taylor says, “I would like you to hold in your mind and in your heart, at the moment that seems right for you, the thoughts and feelings that represent the most loving moment you have ever experienced. First, allowing yourself to feel the joy and the peace that feeling brings to you on all levels, and then allowing this feeling to expand into the world around you until it expands to more than you can contain, and finally release the love, joy and peace to the universe for all of us to enjoy. This is peace. This is love. This is joy. This is the one thing we can all agree on, that we need more peace, love and joy in the world.”

Astrologer Eric Francis writes, “In astrology, eclipses represent watershed events. They can arrive with sweeping changes and represent before and after moments. This works personally, and it works collectively, and it's especially true for the place where the individual and the collective intersect. Said another way, eclipses represent collective events that can have deep personal influence. They represent change. With the shadow falling across the United States, change is imminent. It's an open question what kind of change we get and what kind we create."

Taylor explains, “This eclipse is an opportunity for us all, no matter who we are or what country we are in, to effect change, if only for a moment. So please spread the word and share my request. Ask the world to take a Leap of Love with us. Help spread the word now, and just maybe by August 21 we will have a worldwide positive influence on the changes coming our way.

She muses, “What if we, meaning each of us personally and all of us collectively, use this moment of change and shifting reality to make a difference? What if everyone the world over held the same desire, the same goal, for this time? How would vibration change in our world and in our lives? What is the one thing in this world we could all agree on?”

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