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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Holistic Doctor of Charlotte to Present Free Lecture


Dr. Arthur I. Cushing, D.C., D.Ch., C.N.C., F.S.A.C., of Holistic Doctor of Charlotte, will deliver a free lecture on rapid, bio-energetic methods to heal leaky gut, irritable bowel syndrome and food allergies from 2 to 4 p.m. on January 20 at the Unity of Charlotte facility located in Charlotte. Attendees will learn both the true causes of such conditions and natural, non-medical solutions to them.

Cushing is an acknowledged expert on the diagnosis and treatment of these ubiquitous conditions, and has 38-plus years of clinical holistic experience treating them successfully. He’ll provide invaluable tips during his presentation and will have a q-and-a period afterwards. Food snacks and beverages will be available.


Event location: 401 E. Arrowood Rd, Charlotte. For more information or to register (required), call 704-776-4185 or email [email protected]. The Holistic Doctor of Charlotte is located at 2101 Sardis Rd. N., Ste. 203, Charlotte. Visit


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