SHiFT Charlotte Returns with Health and Wellness Experts, Life-Enhancing Advice

The tenth annual SHiFT Charlotte will bring wellness-minded people together for a weekend of healing, holistic arts, mind-body-spirit connection exploration and sessions led by local experts on wellness and self-care, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on March 23 and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on March 24 at the Oasis Shriner’s facility.
“SHiFT Charlotte was created for people who want to live a mindful, authentic and empowered life,” says event founder Lori Ives-Godwin. “We’ve brought together some of the city’s most visionary speakers, teachers, healers and practitioners to help guests explore steps we can all take to be healthy and well—mind, body and spirit.”
Many of Charlotte’s top experts on health, wellness and personal growth will lead eight workshops with mini-topics to start each of them. Topics and speakers on Saturday will be Own Your Power; Stop Should-ing on Yourself with life coach and “Luscious Mother” founder Sarah Olin; Full Wings Ahead; Working with your Angels with Angel Chatter founder Christine Alexandria; The Art of Waking Up with yoga, meditation and mindfulness teacher Brooks Haislip; A Course in Miracles with bestselling author Emily Bennington; Sacred Sound Alignment with sound therapists Andrew Simmons and Austin Shook; Positive Hypnosis with Michelle Payton , MA, DCH; Soil to Soul with Dr. Dave Hamilton, Naturopath and co-owner of a small urban homestead; and The Mystery and Magic of the New Earth Matrix with spiritual teacher and reiki master Linda Backes.
On Friday, there’ll be an optional pre-conference workshop with Dr. Matt Lyon, Dr. Sheila Kilbane and Kristen Oliver MOT, OTR/L presenting The Joy of Intentional Creation. A dessert bar is included in the price of this standalone ticket.
“Over the past 10 years, SHiFT Charlotte has grown into a must-attend event for conscious, forward-thinking people in the central Carolinas,” adds Ives-Godwin. “Guests get to meet doctors, healers, acupuncturists, intuitives, integrative physicians, coaches and many other experts from throughout our community.”
Energy healing sessions, holistic health samples, Aroma Yoga, cupping therapy, foot detox, massages and intuitive readings are all available.
More than 80 local wellness vendors will fill a large auditorium where participants can learn about services at their own pace. More than 25 hands-on holistic and wellness arts practitioners will be available to share their wisdom. A healing arts area, free Aroma Yoga and many other experiences will all be part of this exciting and immersive day.
Tickets: $35 for Friday evening or Saturday or $60 for both days. Location: 604 Doug Mayes Place, off I-85. For more information including full schedule or to obtain tickets, visit