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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Body Intelligence Qigong Seminar in Pineville

A special Body Intelligence Qigong (ZhinengQigong) seminar on the self-healing method utilized by the world’s largest drug-less hospital in China will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on May 19 at the Empower Life Center, in Pineville. Participants will learn the qigong exercise practiced by millions for enhancing health, increasing vitality, boosting the immune system and healing from chronic diseases.

This simple and profound qigong form can provide quick and tangible results. The approach of pulling Chiand filling Chifor dissolving physical and emotional energy blockages will be taught as well as how to create a Chifield for enhanced energy healing.


Cost: $165. Location: 14136 Lancaster Hwy., Pineville. For more information or to register (suggested due to limited class size), call 704-542-8088 or visit

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