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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Special Offer to Learn of Male Performance-Enhancement Treatment

Men’s Health: The Holistic Wellness Center, in Fort Mill, South Carolina, is offering new male clients an initial free and no-obligation visit to learn about its GAINSWave treatment. The practice says it is a breakthrough solution for better erections and optimal performance at any age without shots, risky side effects, surgery or drugs.

The pulsating waves of GAINSWave promotes increased blood flow to the penis by opening existing blood vessels and stimulating the growth of new blood vessels that also triggers a healing response that awakens dormant stem cells and growth factors in the penis. The release of these growth factors also leads to the creation of new blood vessels, as well as the overall rejuvenation of erectile tissue.

Twenty-minute treatments are overseen by a medical doctor with the center which says that 75 percent of men who have undergone the treatments have been able to completely get off of oral medications. Clients have also pointed to emotional improvement and increased confidence as well.


Location: 1201 Carolina Place Dr., Ste. 101, Fort Mill, S.C.. For more information, call or text 803-554-4104 or visit 

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