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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Learn the Essence of Joy in Special Online Event

Aug 03, 2020 05:55PM ● By Shannon Mc Kenzie

JOYVIAL, an online network of professional, on-demand health coaches, will present a special JOY Day 2020 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on October 2. Along with seeking to spread as much joy as possible to as many as possible in the community, the free online event will inform on how member coaches can help people become the healthiest and best versions of themselves by energizing and integrating new habits and start living a life one loves.

“We ask our community to focus on how we can uplift others with our words,” says Hanni Berger, the company’s founder and CEO. She offers some suggested ways including to make those “we come in contact with feel appreciated, seen, heard, valued and loved” including “tell someone they matter to you in a text or handwritten note; give a compliment to someone at work; speak highly of someone when they’re not there; and tell someone three things you couldn’t do without them.”

“Joy is something that can be created,” she adds. “Most people wait for someone or something to bring them joy. The ‘why’ is really to showcase that we can either find joy in things that already exist or create joy on our own.” 

The company highlights the science behind spreading joy from the bestseller The Hidden Messages in Water by Dr. Masaru Emoto including his work in magnetic resonance analysis technology and high-speed photographs along with other studies in mind-body-spirit, how words can change one’s brain and more.


For more information or to participate in the event, call 1-866-JOYVIAL or visit 


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