Giving Kids a Healthy Start in the Charlotte Region
Aug 03, 2020 06:11PM ● By Eric Kempter
The HealthyStart treatment system is a non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical, pain-free and non-invasive therapy for young children affected by sleep disordered breathing, a restricted airway and crowded or crooked teeth. It is safe, effective and naturally promotes growth and development. The comfortable, removable devices gently guide the teeth into their perfect positions.
The treatment can be started as early as 2 years old. The removable devices are worn commonly during sleep and sometimes a few hours during the day. While traditional orthodontics have been the standard of care, this intervention system has been shown to help pediatric patients develop skeletal structures more ideally and aids permanent teeth to erupt in the proper position.
If a child has crowded teeth, snores or breathes through the mouth, they may have sleep disordered breathing, which can lead to arrested growth and development, behavioral challenges similar to ADD/ADHD and even bed-wetting. The HealthyStart system is specifically designed to promote the proper growth and development of the jaw and airway to optimize airflow and promote proper nasal breathing while straightening a child’s teeth. It also aids in the correct growth and alignment of the lower jaw, expanding the arches to ensure incoming permanent teeth have enough room to grow in straight.
Eric Kempter is an accredited IAOMT Dentist at Kempter Holistic Dentistry, located at 1000 Copperfield Blvd., Ste. 160, in Concord, and 3111 Springbank Ln., Ste. F1, in Charlotte, and uses the HealthyStart Treatment System. For more information, call 704-782-0797, email [email protected] or visit