Ram Dass Legacy Retreat Returns to Boone, North Carolina

Love Serve Remember Foundation is hosting its 2nd Annual Ram Dass Legacy “Summer Mountain Retreat” in Boone, North Carolina at the Art of Living Retreat Center from Thursday, August 24 to Monday, August 28.
The retreat features several interactive activities along with introspective reflections and contemplations around the theme of “Cultivating Loving Presence and Making Peace with Our Shadow.”
There will be four nights of chanting with Krishna Das and his band, Tibetan Buddhist teachings and Dharma talks with Lama Tsultrim Allione, meditations with David Nichtern, exploration of the transpersonal and the experiential in today’s culture with Dr. Sará King, a live podcast hosted by Be Here Now Network’s Raghu Markus, and audio and video content curated from the Ram Dass Digital Media Library.
Early morning Hatha yoga sessions and contemplative nature walks are also available. Each afternoon features a special session, including a live performance by East Forest, a live podcast with Krishna Das, and chanting the Hanuman Chalisa with Nina Rao.
The Art of Living Retreat Center is set amidst 380 acres in the Blue Ridge Mountain Range of the Carolinas. Retreat meals will consist of a locally sourced vegetarian/vegan menu.
Registration for the Ram Dass Legacy Retreat is now open. For more information: www.ramdass.org/boone.