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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Astrological Timing for Success

by Steve Nelson

Moon Magic: March 2013Anqet__Goddess_of_the_Nile_by_Thorn

The 2012 zodiacal year continues to unfold its magic with the best to be in the weeks just before Spring Equinox. Love leads with Venus exalted in Pisces, her favorite sign. Communications clear and world changing new concepts channel through after March 4 when the New Mercury cycle begins. All new initiatives are favored beginning Mar 12 when Mars enters Aries with the waxing Moon. Everything good prospers in this rising new Spring tide.

March is the month of Mars, the god of war. Mars is also the vital force of Nature, the power to realize our ideals. Tradition teaches how the soul is united with the vital force of Spring. The two-week period before Equinox is ideal for this purpose; the four weeks after Equinox is for seeding new creation. Sun in Aries channels our passions to serve our dreams. Whatever we plant in our garden now will flower throughout the year.

Each zodiacal year is ruled by one of seven planets in sequence from slowest to fastest, Saturn to Moon. 2012 was a Year of the Moon, 2013 is a Year of Saturn. In the Moon Year we nurture our dreams and envision what we wish to become. In this new Saturn Year we will bring into manifestation whatever is worthy that we’ve envisioned in the Year of the Moon.

Mar 4 – Think, Speak, Create Anew New Mercury Mercury aligns with Earth and Sun and a new (4-month) Mercury cycle is begun. This Piscean New Mercury makes our ideals real. Communications clear as the new cycle begins (7:58 am). New Mercury brings new mindset for the new time. This cycle of creative thinking, invention and commerce can remake the world.

Mar 4-6 (exact 4:53 pm 3/4) – Realizing Dreams 3rd Quarter Moon This Moon cuts away all that distracts from putting our dreams into action. 3rd Quarter Moon integrates ideas into creative expression; it’s time to follow our bliss and do what feels good in concert with the whole.

Mar 7-9 – Make a Wish! Balsamic Moon Put wishes on the air and bring to mind those who need healing. Feeling invokes healing, the deeper we feel, the deeper we heal. The deeper we feel, the more Moon magic comes through the new Spring lunar cycle.

Mar 10-12 – Follow the Light Within Dark of the Moon/New Moon The day before New Moon until Sunset a day after is ideal for inner work to seed the new cycle; outer activity is favored after the new crescent appears. Old Moon shadows give way as we connect with the light within. The New Moon (3:51 pm 3/11) is a cosmic spring that flows freely as we slow down.

Mar 12-17 – A Time to Sow Crescent New Moon It’s time to bring forward what we wish to be realized. Meditation opens doorways, wishes take wing, prayers bring blessings for this Moon and the New Year to be. Crescent Moon with Mercury and Mars brings Earth changing discoveries to light.

Mar 17 – Wear Green and Celebrate St Patrick’s Day “The wearing of the green” has its origin in the Green Man who dances in the Spring. People can be “crazy as a March hare” as Spring draws near and sap begins to rise. It’s time to chase out the old Mars (old year shadow) and bring in the new tide.

Mar 19-21 (exact 1:27 pm 3/19) – Time to Choose 1st Quarter Moon This Moon is like a scythe cutting across the sky, it’s time to cut free from the trappings of the past and affirm our purpose moving forward. Choices made are likely the right ones. Breathing deeply through the light of the crown frees energy flow up and down the spine to clear shadows and power our dreams.

Mar 20-21 (7 am 3/20 - 7 am 3/21) Spring Equinox Gate of Inspiration Muse Gates open every 40 days, 9 each year. Whatever inhibits energy flow comes before the Gate to be let go. This is a time to release tensions that hold outmoded ways of thinking and feeling. Breathe deeply and move freely (yoga, tai chi, dance) to shed the old and open to new possibilities, new inspiration and the new creative energies of Spring.

Mar 20-25 (exact 7:02 am 3/20) – Be Happy! Spring Equinox As sap flows up through plant stems to flowers, so the vital energy of Nature rises within us opening to bright new possibilities. It is a time for joy making, singing and dancing around bonfires. Making a joyful noise brings joy for the Year, whatever is in the beginning carries on to the end. This is our time to begin anew.

Mar 25 – Celebrate! Festival of Eostre / Lady Day Spring Equinox culminates with Lady Day, the Feast of Annunciation. March 25th is also the Festival of Eostre, Anglo-Saxon goddess of Spring. Her magic rabbit, the “March Hare,” brings the “world egg” containing all that is to be in this new cycle. This “egg” is the Mar 27 Eostre Full Moon.

Mar 25-29 – Celebrate! Passover/Easter/Shamballa/Holi Full Moon The Full Moon (exact 5:27 am 3/27) is a pitcher that pours out a healing elixir, we just raise our cups to receive. Meditation, music-making, dancing help us open to take in the new light. Cosmic energies flow for 3 days following each Full Moon. Revelations may come in dreams, chance encounters and flashes of inspiration.

The Shamballa Full Moon begins the 2-month “higher interlude,” the most creative period of the year. The new cycle is seeded and set to unfold its magic for the year. Shamballa is the spiritual will center of the world. Sun in Aries Full Moon powers our way forward, we begin to live our new story.

Mar 31 – Meet the Morning Sun Easter Sunday Easter is the first Sunday following the first Full Moon after Spring Equinox. The Spiritual Sun is reborn this Sunday at Sunrise following the first Spring union of the Sun and Moon. Meeting the rising Sun on Eostre’s Sunday is an ancient shamanic tradition. As the vital spirit of Spring rises to meet the Sun within, we become conscious of who we are in the new cycle of creation.


Steve Nelson is a professional astrologer who uses Tarot, name analysis, and traditional astrology to help clients understand personal myths and realize natural abilities. He can be reached at 704-375-3759 or email [email protected]. Info:


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