Advertiser Testimonials

I have advertised with Natural Awakenings for years and am happy with the results, but particularly pleased when I upgraded to a larger ad as the ROI was fairly immediate. I wished I had done so earlier. Natural Awakenings does a great job of bringing in patients that are a good fit for our practice and I know this because the conversion rate to patients is higher than other forms of advertising.
- Kenneth Haas, Owner Haas Wellness Center

My ad in Natural Awakenings Charlotte magazine is my number one way of gaining new clients. Google comes in second. Natural Awakenings has been my most effective form of marketing my business in Charlotte and I am so happy with the results.
- Eva Gajewski, Owner Balanced Energy Reflexology

Dillon Natural Health has been advertising well over 10 years with Natural Awakenings Charlotte and I couldn't be happier with the results. The credibility of the Natural Awakening brand has strengthened our brand and it has allowed us to build a meaningful long-term relationship with our targeted audience. Upon first advertising, I remember wondering if anyone would call. The Publisher at the time assured me to give it time. I'm so glad I did because we have experienced a steady stream of clients as a result of years of advertising. It has been my best ROI.
- Jennifer Dillon, Owner Dillon Natural Health

Okra Charlotte and Gumbo have advertised with Natural Awakenings Charlotte since 2015 and have found it to be our most effective return on investment because we reach the natural health and wellness audience that is interested in our products/services. We haven't been able to replicate the same results through any other advertising avenues - digital or social media.

I am very happy with the results of my ad in Natural Awakenings Charlotte. I went in with the goal of obtaining one job (which would have paid for the ad), but in the end, obtained five - far exceeding my expectations. The clients themselves also impressed me: people who genuinely value and support small businesses.
- Joshua Landrio, Owner Sedona Waterproofing Solutions

One of my goals in 2021 is to invest in and build my business. I decided an ad package with Natural Awakenings was an important component in my overall marketing strategy to do so. I am so happy I made this decision as 2 1/2 months later, I have 10 new clients and my 12-month ad package investment is almost completely paid. I did not expect such a quick ROI.
- Amy Gray Cunningham, Owner