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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Ebba P. Karlsson, owner of True Star Coaching, on the Importance of Awakening to Your Higher Self

Sep 01, 2022 09:03AM ● By Ebba P. Karlsson

During the last couple of years, we have seen an enormous increase in health issues that are stress related, such as cancer, strokes, heart attacks, and depression. We can all agree that our immune system is under attack, and stress is a huge factor. Our health is declining, and this is possible because of the emotional imbalance in our bodies, minds, and spirits.

Covid 19 impacted humanity globally in ways perhaps never seen before in history. It put us under a lot of pressure, forcing us to change. People became extremely fearful and projected their fears and beliefs onto others. It didn't help that the media boosted the fear even more, and fake news started spreading like forest fires. It is hard to know what is true or false these days and when malicious forces are manipulating one. We are experiencing duality, and unprecedented contrast, darkness versus light, perhaps a spiritual war between good and evil. We have been fed fear and bombarded by information, which creates stress that impacts our health. It seems invisible forces are pushing us out of our comfort zone, so there is simply no other way forward than to go within and look at ourselves. We are indeed going through The Great Awakening; since 2012, humankind has been awakening from a deep sleep to help raise our frequencies and consciousness as we enter the Golden Age. But we must take responsibility  for our lives in order to effectively live through it.

How do we heal the imbalance?

We need to connect to the higher self and move from victimhood to being empowered human beings, which means taking responsibility for our thoughts, actions, and emotions. By doing that, we not only empower ourselves but create freedom where our ego no longer has power over us. An aware and awakened individual who takes personal leadership is hard to manipulate. 

What is happening in the world right now is a projection of what's happening inside us. We still create wars inside ourselves: judging, blaming, comparing, and manipulating. To stop the craziness in the world, we must develop coherence within, learn how to listen to the higher self, release the ego, and take personal leadership. We must stop the self-betrayal that creates separation and instead look for what connects us. We must step into mastery, become conscious, connect to our hearts, and understand that what we focus on will grow and feed the global consciousness.  

The only way to truly become a master is to connect to your higher self, to remember who you are. The higher self is you, the fractal of the divine creator, pure awareness connected to spirit. It is the opposite of the ego, the lower self that runs its life based on survival. 

If you are not already living from your higher self, ask your higher self to help you connect. Meditate on the sacred space around your heart. Listen and follow your inner guidance. It will reduce stress and create more well-being. Take the reins of your life, create a better future, and watch the world change around you.

Ebba P. Karlsson helps clients create a deeper sense of self to manifest the reality they deserve through coaching, group trainings, sacred journeys, retreats, and quantum healing sessions. She is also the author of True Starlight: From Living in the Shadows to Being Stellar. For more information, call 980-213-7777, email [email protected] or visit 


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