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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Silva Method Courses at HeartLight Spiritual Center in Charlotte

Silva Method Foundation Course, led by certified lecturers Velories Anne Figures, J.D., and Shirley Bridgewater, MS, Rh.t, will be conducted from 6 to 10 p.m., September 27, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., September 28 and 2 to 6 p.m., September 29, and also at the same times October 4 to 6, both in-person and online, at the HeartLight Spiritual Center, in Charlotte. Attendees will learn techniques for deep relaxation, which can help boost creativity, focus, overall cognitive function, enhance mental clarity, reduce stress and improve emotional well-being. 

Methods taught are designed to empower individuals to harness the power of their mind, leading to better decision-making, increased productivity and a more positive outlook. Additionally, the skills gained can enhance personal and professional relationships by fostering better communication and empathy.

Figures has 36 years of experience and studied with Jose Silva including attending several 10-day Mastery Seminars and other advanced classes, is experienced in energy healing and Spiritual Transformation Coaching including Reconnective Healing certifications as Foundation, Reconnection and animal practitioners among other credentials. Bridgewater, with 24 years of experience and the director of Silva in Bermuda, is a certified Advance Consultant/Facilitator, Certified Relaxation Instructor, Intuitive Consultant and Spiritual Life Coach, and is listed in the international Registry of Spiritual Healers. 

Since 1966, more than 10 million people worldwide have completed the Silva course which hasn’t been offered in Charlotte for many years.

Cost $333 including educational materials for either 16-hour weekend edition. Early bird discounts are available for both. Location: 7300 Mallard Creek Rd. Discounts available for repeat students. For more information or to register, call 704-599-1180 (voicemail), email [email protected] or visit

HeartLight Spiritual Center - 7300 Mallard Creek Rd  Charlotte NC

HeartLight Spiritual Center - 7300 Mallard Creek Rd , Charlotte, NC

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