Charlotte's Nurse Marlin Gives Symptoms of Impending Sickness
Jan 31, 2025 09:37AM ● By Betty Marlin, RN
Check for Changes
Look for persistent signs or symptoms that do not improve after basic self-care. Emotional: feeling sad, confused, irritable or unhappy with actions or thoughts. Sensory: hearing/seeing things that are not present. Physical: itching, stinging, burning, swelling, redness, bad odor or feeling hot. Abnormalities: excessive sweating, bleeding or unusual drainage, pale, cold or blue extremities, tooth or gum issues and unusual urine or bowel changes (color, size or frequency). Skin: bumps, blisters, discoloration or sores. Posture and pain: misalignment in hips, shoulders or hands with or without back pain. Digestive issues: gas, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain before/after eating. Sensory and respiratory: dizziness, blurred vision, ringing ears, cough or breathing difficulty. Temperature: higher than three degrees above normal or below 96. Also, chest tightness/pain, dry or infested hair, clumsiness, stiffness, fatigue, poor adaptation or significant weight changes.
Identify Triggers
Recall events 15 to 30 minutes before symptoms appear. New medications, food/drinks, smoke or fumes. New personal products or environmental exposures. Contact with someone recently sick.
Seek Help
Inform a healthcare provider, parent or teacher about symptom severity, onset and triggers.
Registered Nurse Betty Marlin is an adult/child sexual assault nurse examiner and owner of Primary Health-Care of Charlotte, located at 508 Beatties Ford Rd., providing primary care services to the uninsured and under insured. To register for a Spiritual Women’s Retreat, schedule an appointment or make a donation for the completion of Nurse Marlin’s nonprofit Diabetic Heart Kitchen and Teen Wellness Nook, or for more information, call 704-347-1172 or visit
Primary Health-Care of Charlotte, P.A. - 508 Beatties Ford Rd, Charlotte, NC
Opened in 1987 by founder, owner and CEO, Nurse Marlin, Primary Health-Care of Charlotte, P.A. provides holistic health care for the unserved, underserved and uninsured. - Physicals - F... Read More »