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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Charlotte's Nurse Marlin Gives Symptoms of Impending Sickness

Jan 31, 2025 09:37AM ● By Betty Marlin, RN
Many people have been unknowingly living with illness for years. It is like the story of the frog in tepid water that slowly comes to a boil, many signs of illness are gradual, and they are unaware until symptoms become serious. If other family members experience signs of the same illness, we may think it is normal. But it is important to know there are steps we can take to address health issues and feel better. The first step is understanding when things are not normal.

Check for Changes

Look for persistent signs or symptoms that do not improve after basic self-care. Emotional: feeling sad, confused, irritable or unhappy with actions or thoughts. Sensory: hearing/seeing things that are not present. Physical: itching, stinging, burning, swelling, redness, bad odor or feeling hot. Abnormalities: excessive sweating, bleeding or unusual drainage, pale, cold or blue extremities, tooth or gum issues and unusual urine or bowel changes (color, size or frequency). Skin: bumps, blisters, discoloration or sores. Posture and pain: misalignment in hips, shoulders or hands with or without back pain. Digestive issues: gas, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain before/after eating. Sensory and respiratory: dizziness, blurred vision, ringing ears, cough or breathing difficulty. Temperature: higher than three degrees above normal or below 96. Also, chest tightness/pain, dry or infested hair, clumsiness, stiffness, fatigue, poor adaptation or significant weight changes.

Identify Triggers

Recall events 15 to 30 minutes before symptoms appear. New medications, food/drinks, smoke or fumes. New personal products or environmental exposures. Contact with someone recently sick.

Seek Help

Inform a healthcare provider, parent or teacher about symptom severity, onset and triggers.

Registered Nurse Betty Marlin is an adult/child sexual assault nurse examiner and owner of Primary Health-Care of Charlotte, located at 508 Beatties Ford Rd., providing primary care services to the uninsured and under insured. To register for a Spiritual Women’s Retreat, schedule an appointment or make a donation for the completion of Nurse Marlin’s nonprofit Diabetic Heart Kitchen and Teen Wellness Nook, or for more information, call 704-347-1172 or visit

Primary Health-Care of Charlotte, P.A. - 508 Beatties Ford Rd, Charlotte, NC

Opened in 1987 by founder, owner and CEO, Nurse Marlin, Primary Health-Care of Charlotte, P.A. provides holistic health care for the unserved, underserved and uninsured. - Physicals - F... Read More » 



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