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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Wipe Out Waste: Ask A Meck County Expert - Food Scraps Now Accepted

 Ask A Meck County Expert 

Mecklenburg Solid Waste experts receive hundreds of residential waste disposal and recycling questions weekly. To educate and empower Natural Awakenings readers, their experts provide updates and answer some of the most frequently asked questions in a bi-monthly column.

Food Scraps Now Accepted 

Mecklenburg County Solid Waste is now accepting residential food waste scraps for composting at two full-service centers: Hickory Grove and Compost Central. This program allows you to deliver food scraps to us. If you desire a home service, there are private companies that offer in the Charlotte region. 

What is Accepted?

If it’s edible, it’s acceptable! Residents can bring their food scraps in a bin to either facility (a limited number of small bins will be given away at the start of the program). Typical food scraps include eggshells, coffee grounds, vegetables and meat. Simply toss the food scraps into your home carry bin, and once full, bring it to the special food scrap containers at Hickory Grove or Compost Central.  This is free for residents and is not available for businesses currently.

What is NOT Accepted?

Please never throw cans of food or containers inside the bins. We also cannot accept the following items with the food scraps:

-Plastic-coated paper plates

-To-go drink cups

-To-go containers and utensils

-Paper towels and napkins

-Compostable utensils and plates

-Plastic bags, zip-lock bags or snack wrappers or bags

Are There Plans to Expand?

Yes! Mecklenburg County Solid Waste plans to expand this program to the Foxhole and North Meck locations by Summer 2025. We encourage residents to follow our Mecklenburg County Recycling Facebook page to stay up to date on this effort and others.

Full-service centers: Hickory Grove-8007 Pence Rd., Charlotte; Compost Central-140 Valleydale Rd, Charlotte; Foxhole-17131 Lancaster Hwy, Charlotte and North Mecklenburg-12300 Statesville Rd., Huntersville. If you have program questions about recycling, waste diversion or anything else related to waste, please visit To submit a waste disposal and recycling question, email [email protected]. Jeff Smithberger, Director of Solid Waste, answers the top seven residential recycling questions at

Mecklenburg Solid Waste - 2145 Suttle Ave Charlotte NC

Mecklenburg Solid Waste - 2145 Suttle Ave, Charlotte, NC

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