Growing Native Milkweed in North Carolina
Jan 31, 2025 09:41AM ● By Alan Corder
Growing milkweed native to our region supports local ecosystems. According to North Carolina Wildlife Federation, key North Carolina species include common milkweed (asclepias syriaca), butterfly weed (asclepias tuberosa), swamp milkweed (asclepias incarnata) and whorled milkweed (asclepias verticillata).
Planting Options:
- Milkweed Seeds:
- Cold Stratification: Seeds need exposure to cold to germinate.
- Fall Planting: Plant seeds outdoors to undergo natural cold stratification.
- Spring Planting: Simulate cold stratification by refrigerating seeds for 30 to 40 days on a moist paper towel or sand before planting.
- Milkweed Plants:
- Match planting conditions to the species’ natural habitat:
- Swamp milkweed: Moist or wet soils.
- Butterfly weed and whorled milkweed: Drier soils.
- Ensure full sun exposure and space plants 18 inches apart.
Alan Corder is the owner of American Beauty Garden Center, located at 4400 E. Independence Blvd., Charlotte. For more information, call 704-334-8651 or visit Also visit

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