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Natural Awakenings Charlotte

Experience Special Combined Reflexology and Tachyon Treatment

Adrienne Craighead, owner of TorchBearer Tachyon Chamber, has partnered with Javier O’Rolon Jackson at Balance and Flow Reflexology to offer the combination of reflexology and tachyon. During this month, a 20-minute reflexology session can be followed by a 30-minute tachyon session to accelerate healing, embrace mindfulness, connect to our higher self, dissolve stress and call in abundance, at a special price of $144. 

The TorchBearer Tachyon Chamber helps clients achieve theta brainwaves when meditating, the deepest and slowest conscious waves that Tibetan monks practice for years to master. The chamber helps amplify one’s meditation experience. Clients experience a deep and efficient meditation that positively effects body, energy, emotions, and mental health.

Those that experience both modalities will feel their body’s subtle energy systems receiving these upgrades and adjustments that will benefit them physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. 

Craighead serendipitously considered tachyons while researching many possible remedies for depression and anxiety that was brought on by menopause and a malfunctioning thyroid gland. Her first experience in a tachyon chamber in the spring of 2021 was a transcendent one that led her to add it to her toolbox of self-care remedies as it helped her regain her physical balance, mental peace and spiritual alignment.

Torchbearer Tachyon location: 19900 S. Main St., Unit 4, Ste. E, in Cornelius. For more information or to arrange for the combined treatment, text Craighead at 980-689-1803 or visit

TorchBearer Tachyon Chamber - 19900 S Main St Unit 4  Suite E Cornelius NC

TorchBearer Tachyon Chamber - 19900 S Main St, Unit 4 Suite E, Cornelius, NC

TorchBearer Tachyon exists to help humans achieve greater physical, mental, emotional and spiritual alignment. The founders discovered the amazing benefits of tachyons while on a personal... Read More » 




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